Introducing FlorCon – Floor Innovations
FlorCon is an innovative company specialising in Industrial floor design, specification, installation and supervision and adds particular value when developing floor construction products, particularly leave-in-place and armoured floor joint systems.
FlorCon pushes the design boundaries to produce floor joints that provide maximum joint protection and load transfer, but without overloading the cost to our client, by using the minimum steel requirement needed.
We work closely with our associate company in Russia, FlorCon Rus who continue the same high standard of service within Russia and the CIS countries and are manufacturing leave-in-place joint systems for these markets as well as export.
Radius Group first building at Southgate Industrial Park near Moscow constructed in 2009. Floor design and supervision by Rodney Arnold for Radius Group a leading Russian logistic facility developer. Floor Installation by Romex, a leading Russian floor contractor who achieved a flatness of FM1 to UK standard Concrete Society Technical Report 34.
FlorCon’s Vision
FlorCon provides expert advice on floor design, specification, construction and materials, specifically armoured joint applications, with the support of an excellent engineering team that have grown and gained experience and expertise from within the flooring industry.
We provide assistance by listening to our client’s requirements and guiding them through the complete design process, to ensure all areas are considered, so they have the assurance that the industrial floor will be perfectly designed for their needs to ensure maximum performance and minimal maintenance.
Our ethos is to combine our practical floor construction knowledge and experience with the best and latest proven design innovations to provide a high quality floor, fit for purpose, at the most economic cost, thus freeing the client from the promotional sales pressures of material suppliers promoting their particular material or method. The client is then able to focus their efforts on what matters, their business and customers.
We continue progression by using our own joint testing facility equipped with new unique and advanced joint testing equipment. Through this high performance testing facility, we replicate the impact from heavily loaded, hard wheeled material handling trucks, passing over the joint which allows us to gain extensive further knowledge when testing alternative industry floor joint products in comparison to our own new floor joint developments.
FlorCon new floor joint systems are described below:
Omen 1 joint features a very innovative top strip formed from one steel section to armour the joint arris, provide a sharp rear edge to trowel against and a continuous tie of the section into the concrete along the full length of the joint.
Omen 1+ joint utilises the same innovative top section as Omen 1 with the addition of a unique impact absorber that softens the joint impact when the wheel passes over the joint.
Omen joint is a unique dual purpose top section which provides very heavy duty protection to the joint arris and features a built in insert support plate that provides load transfer across the joint, support to the joint sealant and when the joint opens beyond 10mm a steel or Nylon Insert of the appropriate width is installed that is bolted to the Insert Support plate thus offering a very innovative replacement for traditional joint sealants which historically fail. FlorCon believe Omen
will result in an end to the traditional joint sealant failure problem.
Why FlorCon?
With decades of experience, the engineering team at FlorCon have worked on all types of floor applications. By listening to and working with the industry, FlorCon have developed a significantly dynamic leave-in-place floor joint system that is unique in concept, innovative in design and simple to install.
Our Products
FlorCon products are produced with a combination of market leading manufacturing partners. Research and development of materials coupled with engineering experts has brought together a globally strong range of joint expansion products that can cater for all leave-in-place armoured joint applications.
Discover More
Due to FlorCon’s expansion, we will be franchising the Omen Joint top sections to expert approved joint manufacturers for them to incorporate their own innovative joint manufacturing programme to provide our international clients with quicker product availability more locally, thus saving time, resources and transport costs.